Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Weight Loss

We all want to have the perfect body. I have an eating disorder and I am diabetic with a thyroid problem as well. I could go on an on about my problems. I take 23 pills a day. WAY too many!! So, in August it will be a year since I started to change my life with my weight. I was always use to being thin and build good. After kids,operations and other things that I battled in my life I gained alot of weight. Since August I lost 40lbs. NO DIET, NO EXERCISE. Let me tell you how I did it. It is very hard, especially because I am a food addict. I want sweets all the time but, it made me sick and I would end up in the hospital on a regular basis. They found nothing wrong each time. For only if I would stop stuffing my mouth with the wrong foods which now I call them poison. I just can't have the poison unless I want to be sick and in the hospital. NO FUN!!!! So what I did was look in my diabetic book to see what I could eat and how much. I learned that I can't have seconds for dinner. Dinner must be your biggest meal of the day. You need a carb,protein,fat and of course the calories. DO NOT eat a hoagie with a diet soda, it doesn't work that way. I eat special k ceral or multi-grain cherrios with 2% low fat milk and then a small banana. Some days I have a 1/2 a glass of diet cranberry juice or trop-50 orange juice. For lunch I have a salad or a slice of pizza or a peanut butter sandwhich on wheat bread. There is other stuff to eat as well. I also have an apple.
I have a snack late afternoon like mini rice cakes,crackers,peanuts,pretzels etc... Then dinner time. I have a small piece of a lean meat with a free veg.and 1 starch, that's it NO SECONDS. Later in the evening for a snack I have yogert or popcorn, or crakers or an apple with peanut butter or cheese stick etc....... When I stick to eating good each day then, I start to lose weight. It is a slow process, but you want to keep it off.
It's a life style change and the whole family can eat the same way, it's good for them. The key is to watch your fat content and calories. In my case I also, watch for carbs and sugar. I am living proof it works and yes I do cheat. If you don't cheat you will eat everything in site. Try it and let me know what you think and if you have lost any weight. I will be glad to help you with it if needed. Keep following my blogs you will see recipes and other tips about weight loss.
Bye for now!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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