Monday, June 6, 2011

Fashion Diva

That's me always shopping for the newest trend. I love looking nice and feeling like a woman. What's wrong with that. I shop smart to get the best buys, if I didn't do that I would be really poor. When I had my boys I felt so unattractive, I didn't care what I looked like. Kids take so much out of you. I know I get so stressed out that shopping is my therapy. When I'm down I don't care what I where as long as I had a shower. No make up. My boys don't like when I where make up. I don't even where alot. They tell me that is not a real mom all made up. That's because, I've left myself go for so many years, that they didn't see me with make up on. Now, at this time of my life, I feel that need to look pretty and take in all the complainments. It feels good!!!! I really miss being a diva. Fashion is so big for me, cause when I was in my teenage years I was a Model. I loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gave it all up for a guy. CRAZY....................................
What a lesson to be learned. It's to hard now to go back. I've had babies, my body will never be the same.
At times I wish I could go back in time and do things alittle differently, but I guess it's just not ment to be.
In order to be you follow this:

1-Make you #1
2-Don't let anyone tell you not to do something you have your heart set on
3-Look in the mirror and say to yourself your beautiful.
4-Change a hair style or color
5-Start painting your nails and toe nails
6-Do some shopping and try new styles
7-Get others opinions, but if your heart is set on it then follow your heart
8-Let your higher power in
9-Exercise,yoga or even belly dancing
10-Most of all love who you are

We can only change some things, we can't conquer the world and it's not even our job to do so. So no matter what the kids and husbands need or want, they have to learn that mom needs a life too and they need to be alittle independent. It's not the end of the world!!! They will survive. It's not fair to us to be last all the time, if we don't take the time for ourselves we will go crazy. I am thinking about joining a womans group. I love making crafts and socializing with adults then, children all the time. Of course you still love your family and that doesn't have to change, but enough is enough. Take care of ME #1 ME and you will find a difference in your marriage and your mom duties. If moma ain't happy NO bodys happy. Remember, you desire this more than anything. Go for it mom and be a fashion diva with every inch of you. Have fun!!!

Let me know how this works for you.

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